Gallery ASD fiction
(You can also read my longer blog post on autism in fiction).I spent the summer of 2015 reading over thirty of the many, many fiction titles that relate, in some way, to autism. My personal reviews of individual titles are in this sorted gallery, which I will add to and update. Each review includes a link to a longer review in a newspaper or blog and a link to the author's site, sorted by author surname. These are widely varied titles, from children's to adults' fiction, from romance to vampires, and from thrillers to science fiction. Most of these books state or strongly imply that a central character has an autism spectrum diagnosis, or it has been stated in publicity material or related films. The autistic character is not always the lead, and is not always painted positively - both negative and positive characters and events can be equally meaningful representations of most people's real lives.
- Gallery Index
- ASD fiction (56 images)
- ASD non-fiction (17 images)
- Autism films (2 albums)
- Creating Autism (63 images)
- Photography (1 album)